
Parameter Type Required Description
LPM_WIDTH Integer Yes

Width of data[] and q[] ports.


Number of words stored in memory, which is a power of 2.

USE_EAB String No

Intel-specific parameter. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the USE_EAB parameter in VHDL Design Files. Values are "ON", "OFF", and "UNUSED". The "ON" setting is not useful in memory functions: the Intel® Quartus® Prime software automatically implements memory functions in ESBs or EABs by default. This parameter is not available for simulation with other EDA simulators.

If you wish to use this parameter when you instantiate the function in a Block Design File (.bdf) Definition, you must specify it by entering the parameter name and value manually with the Parameters tab in the Symbol Properties dialog box or in the Block Properties dialog box. You can also use this parameter name in a Text Design File (.tdf) Definition or a Verilog Design File (.v) Definition. You must use the LPM_HINT parameter to specify the USE_EAB parameter in VHDL Design File (.vhd) Definition.