ID:10264 Verilog HDL Case Statement information at <location>: all case item expressions in this case statement are onehot

CAUSE: In a Verilog Design File (.v) , you used a case statement in which all case item expressions are onehot. That is, each case item expression is an N-bit constant with N - 1 bits set to 0 and one bit set to 1: for example, 4'b0010. However, the case statement does not have a full_case attribute, or it has a full_case attribute and a default case item. Therefore, the full_case attribute is ignored. Without an active full_case attribute, Quartus Prime Integrated Synthesis cannot reduce the logic required to implement the case statement by exploiting the onehot nature of the case item expressions. In the following Verilog HDL example, the case statement has both onehot case item expressions and a full_case attribute. As a result, Quartus Prime Integrated Synthesis can optimize this case statement.
reg [3:0] sel; // sel is a onehot encoded signal
reg result, a, b, c, d;
always @ (sel or a or b or c or d) begin
   case(sel) // synthesis full_case 
      4'b0001:  result = a;
      4'b0010:  result = b;
      4'b0100:  result = c;
      4'b1000:  result = d;

The example makes the assumption that sel is a onehot encoded variable.

ACTION: If your case statement does not require a default case item (that is, if there is a case item that matches every possible value of the case expression), add a full_case attribute to the case statement and/or remove the default case item, if it exists. If your case statement requires a default case item, do not add a full_case attribute to your case statement. Adding the attribute would cause a mismatch between the simulated behavior of the design and the synthesized netlist.