ID:287025 Text Design File contains constant, but must contain state name

CAUSE: In a Text Design File (.tdf), you used the specified item in one of the following ways:
  • In the Logic Section, in a state machine assignment, you assigned the constant to a state machine but you should have assigned a state name.
  • In an If Then Statement, you used the group name as an expression, but you should have used a node name.
  • In the Defaults Statement, you assigned the non-constant expression to a node, but you should have assigned a constant expression.
  • In a Truth Table Statement, you used the non-constant expression in the table body, but you should have used a parameter.
  • In some other section in the TDF, you used the item in an illegal location.

ACTION: Change the item to a state name in the state machine assignment, a node name in the If Then Statement, a constant expression in the Defaults Statement, a parameter in the Truth Table Statement, or a legal item in any other location in the TDF.