Locate Dialog Box

You open this dialog box by right-clicking a data path row in the Report Timing or Report Path reports, and then clicking Locate Path, Locate Arrival Path, or Locate Required Path.

Allows you to view the selected data path in the Chip Planner, Technology Map Viewer, or Resource Property Editor.

When you use the Locate Arrival Path command, the path shown in the selected viewer or editor is the data arrival path. The data arrival path is the combination of the path from the source clock pin to the source register, with the path from the output of the source register to the data input of the destination register. The Timing Analyzer uses this path to determine data arrival time Definition.

When you use the Locate Required Path command, the path shown in the selected viewer or editor is the data required path. The data required path is the path from the destination clock pin to the destination register. The Timing Analyzer uses this path to determine data required time Definition.