ID:176262 Can't pack node <name> and I/O cell <name> -- connection from the combinational output port on the I/O cell to the logic cell is assigned the Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells delay chain logic option

CAUSE: You assigned the Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells delay chain logic option to the connection from the combinational output of the I/O cell to the register cell, and also assigned the Fast Input Register logic option to either the I/O cell or the logic cell. A Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells delay chain option on a connection implies that the connection must drive out of the I/O cell and therefore is inconsistent with placing the destination register inside the I/O cell.

ACTION: If you don't want the Fitter to pack the nodes, no action is required. Otherwise, change the Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells delay chain logic option on the connection from the I/O cell and the logic cell to a Decrease Input Delay to Input Register delay chain logic option, or remove either the Fast Input Register logic option or the Decrease Input Delay to Internal Cells cell delay chain logic option.