Generate Connections Commands (View Menu)

To access these commands, click View and then click Generate Fan-In Connections, Generate Fan-Out Connections, Generate Immediate Fan-In Connections, Generate Immediate Fan-Out Connections, or Generate Connections Between Nodes.
  • Generate Fan-In Connections— Allows you to display the fan-in and fan-out connections for a selected node or clock region.
  • Generate Fan-Out Connections— Allows you to display the fan-in and fan-out connections for a selected node or clock region.
  • Generate Immediate Fan-In Connections— Allows you to display a connection arrow identifying the next upstream routing element or other resource used by each fan-in connection of a selected node or clock region.
  • Generate Immediate Fan-Out Connections— Allows you to display a connection arrow identifying the next downstream routing element or other resource used by each fan-out connection of a selected node or clock region.
  • Generate Connections Between Nodes— Allows you to display all connections between two or more selected nodes.
  • The Chip Planner provides modifier keys that you can use in conjunction with these commands to control which resources are selected. The modifier keys do not change the basic function of the command, they determine only what is selected as a result of the command.
  • The connections these commands display remain visible until you use the Clear Unselected Connections/Paths command. To see the delays associated with these connections, use the Show Delays command.