Intel Quartus Prime Text Editor options:

Specifies whether certain items in the Text Editor appear or are hidden.

  • Show line numbers—Specifies whether line numbers appear or are hidden in the Text Editor.
  • Show white space—Displays tab and white space formatting characters in a file.
  • Word wrap—Forces text to the next line when the length of the text exceeds the size of the window and displays word wrap format characters.
  • Show indent guide—Displays a thin vertical line at every indentation level on rows that are indented more than one level.
  • Automatically indent new lines to the same level as previous lines—Automatically indents new lines in the Text Editor to the same level as previous lines.
  • Tab size (in spaces)—Specifies the number of spaces in each line indentation.
  • Insert space on Tab—Replaces tab formatting characters in a file with white space formatting characters.
  • Save backup file—Creates a backup file named <filename>.bak in the same directory as the open file each time you save the file.
  • Enable calltips—Displays a toopltip when you move your mouse over a command or keyword in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Text Editor.
  • Automatically open as detached window—If you turn on this option, the Text Editor automatically opens as a detached window.
  • Highlight similar instances of a selected word—If you turn on this option, the Text Editor automatically highlights similar instances of a selected word.
  • Mark compilation errors—If you turn on this option, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software displasy an x icon next to any errors. When you mouse over an instruction containing an error, the Text Editor displays a tooltip with the specific error message.
  • Split window orientation—Allows you to display split windows in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Text Editor in a vertical or horizontal orientation. The default is vertical.