generate_bottom_up_scripts (::quartus::database_manager)

The following table displays information for the generate_bottom_up_scripts Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::database_manager 1.0

Syntax generate_bottom_up_scripts [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-bottom_up_scripts_output_directory <bottom_up_scripts_output_directory value> ] [-disable_auto_global_promotion <disable_auto_global_promotion value> ] [-include_all_logiclock_regions <include_all_logiclock_regions value> ] [-include_design_partitions <include_design_partitions value> ] [-include_global_signal_promotion <include_global_signal_promotion value> ] [-include_logiclock_regions <include_logiclock_regions value> ] [-include_makefiles <include_makefiles value> ] [-include_pin_locations <include_pin_locations value> ] [-include_project_creation <include_project_creation value> ] [-include_timing_assignments <include_timing_assignments value> ] [-include_virtual_input_pin_timing <include_virtual_input_pin_timing value> ] [-include_virtual_output_pin_timing <include_virtual_output_pin_timing value> ] [-include_virtual_pin_locations <include_virtual_pin_locations value> ] [-include_virtual_pins <include_virtual_pins value> ] [-remove_existing_regions <remove_existing_regions value> ] [-virtual_input_pin_delay <virtual_input_pin_delay value> ] [-virtual_output_pin_delay <virtual_output_pin_delay value> ]
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-bottom_up_scripts_output_directory <bottom_up_scripts_output_directory value> Option to specify the destination directory for generated scripts
-disable_auto_global_promotion <disable_auto_global_promotion value> Option to turn off automatic global signal promotion in the lower levels
-include_all_logiclock_regions <include_all_logiclock_regions value> Option to include all LogicLock regions from top-level project in each script.
-include_design_partitions <include_design_partitions value> Option to include design partitions from top-level in lower-level projects
-include_global_signal_promotion <include_global_signal_promotion value> Option to promote any top-level global signal to global in the lower-levels
-include_logiclock_regions <include_logiclock_regions value> Option to include LogicLock regions from top-level entity
-include_makefiles <include_makefiles value> Option to also generate makefiles in addition to Tcl scripts
-include_pin_locations <include_pin_locations value> Option to lock ports connected to top-level IOs to the top-level location
-include_project_creation <include_project_creation value> Option to create the lower-level project and appropriate directory structure
-include_timing_assignments <include_timing_assignments value> Option to include timing assignments from top-level in lower-level projects
-include_virtual_input_pin_timing <include_virtual_input_pin_timing value> Option to include timing constraints representing maximum delay to all created virtual input pins from the driving modules
-include_virtual_output_pin_timing <include_virtual_output_pin_timing value> Option to include timing constraints representing maximum delay from all created virtual output pins to the destination modules
-include_virtual_pin_locations <include_virtual_pin_locations value> Option to lock created virtual pins to location assigned in top-level entity
-include_virtual_pins <include_virtual_pins value> Option to include virtual pin creation on appropriate lower-level ports
-remove_existing_regions <remove_existing_regions value> Option to include commands that remove any existing LogicLock regions in the lower-level
-virtual_input_pin_delay <virtual_input_pin_delay value> Option to specify the virtual input pin timing constraint value in nanoseconds
-virtual_output_pin_delay <virtual_output_pin_delay value> Option to specify the virtual output pin timing constraint value in nanoseconds

This tool is designed for use with a top-level project containing 
incremental compilation design partitions. When run, it generates scripts 
and makefiles which allow an easy conversion from top-down design 
methodology (all partitions in one project) to a bottom-up design 
methodology (separate projects for each partition).

One Tcl script is generated for each partition. The Tcl script contains
all top-level assignments relevant to the given partition, and optionally
contains commands to create the lower-level project for the partition 
if it does not exist. Each script also contains optionally generated 
commands that can help guide the lower-level placement for better 
results when exporting to the top-level project. You can customize the 
content of the Tcl scripts with options.

In addition to generating Tcl scripts, you can also generate makefiles 
to create the lower-level projects with the generated Tcl scripts and 
maintain them as source files change. The tool will also build a 
'master_makefile' which builds all lower-level projects, exports the 
results to the top-level project and performs a top-level compilation. 
The makefiles are auto-generated and are designed for use with GNU make. 
The makefiles also support parallel compilation of the the lower-level 
projects by using the '-j' option of GNU make on systems with multiple 

Optional Content

As mentioned above, you can customize the content of the Tcl files with 
any of the following options.

-include_makefiles <on|off>
Default is on.          

Option to generate makefiles for lower-level projects in addition to 
the Tcl scripts. One makefile is generated for each lower-level project, 
for the top-level project and for the overall design (known as the 
master_makefile). The master makefile simply invokes all other makefiles.

Makefiles are designed to work with GNU make and support the '-j' option
which allows parallel compilation of the lower-level projects. The master 
makefile is all that needs to be called by the user to ensure the 
lower-level projects are up to date and that the top-level project has 
imported the latest versions of the lower-level projects. You can invoke the 
master makefile as follows (you must not turn off
--include_project_creation_in_bottom_up_scripts for this to work without 

gnumake -f master_makefile.mak -j2 
<The '-j2' means there are 2 processors to use.>

Makefiles are placed in the directory of the project they control if project 
creation is enabled and appropriate directories are automatically filled in. 
If you elect not to have the tool create projects for you, all makefiles are 
placed in the specified output directory and the user must fill in the 
directory variables at the top of each makefile so that the tool knows where 
the lower-level projects can be found.      

-include_project_creation <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain commands to create the lower-level
projects if they do not exist. The tool will create projects in subdirectories 
under the output directory, named according to the corresponding partition's name.

-include_virtual_pins <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain commands to mark all lower-level 
pins that connect to other design entities in the top-level (i.e. not directly 
to IOs) as 'virtual pins'.

-include_virtual_pin_timing <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain INPUT_MAX_DELAY 
or OUTPUT_MAX_DELAY assignments to constrain all paths to or from the newly 
created virtual pins (see -include_virtual_pins). This helps constrain the 
placement appropriately and produce a higher quality top-level solution.

The option is ignored if -include_virtual_pins off is used. 

If you use this option, you must also specify the delay (in nanoseconds) to 
be used in the constraints with the -virtual_pin_delay=<val> command.       

-include_virtual_pin_locations <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain location 
constraints on the newly created virtual pins (see -include_virtual_pins). 
The pins will be locked to their top-level source (for input pins) or sink 
(for output pins) location.

The option is ignored if '-include_virtual_pins off' is used.       

-include_logiclock_regions <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain the top-level 
LogicLock regions associated with this partition. This helps ensure the 
lower-level project places its logic where the top-level project expects it.        

-include_all_logiclock_regions <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain all of the 
top-level LogicLock regions. Regions with logic not associated with the 
script's target partition act as placeholders and will be both empty and 
marked as reserved. This command helps give the lower-level project a better
idea of how it fits into the final, top-level design.

The option is ignored if '-include_logiclock_regions off' is used.          

-include_global_signal_promotion <on|off>
Default is off.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain commands that 
force any signals that were promoted to 'global' in the top-level to be 
promoted in the lower-level.        

-include_pin_locations <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain commands that 
lock any lower-level pins connected directly to IOs in the top-level to the 
IO bank they were placed at in the top-level. This helps keep a consistent 
pin placement amongst projects.

-include_timing_assignments <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain all relevant 
timing assignments from the top-level.

-include_design_partitions <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain all relevant 
design partition assignments from the top-level.

-remove_existing_regions <on|off>
Default is on.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain commands that 
remove any LogicLock regions that exist in the project the script is being 
called on.      

-disable_auto_global_promotion <on|off>
Default is off.

When you turn on this option, generated Tcl scripts contain commands that 
disable auto global signal promotion in the lower levels.

-bottom_up_scripts_output_directory <output_directory>
Default is current project directory.

Specifies the output directory for the scripts and makefiles.  If none is 
set, the working directory of the project is used as a default.

-virtual_input_pin_delay <delay_in_ns>
No default.

Specifies a delay, in nanoseconds, that is used to constrain all paths
from any of the newly created virtual input pins in the lower-levels.  
This is to help guide the lower-level placement and produce a better 
quality top-level result.

The value represents the maximum acceptable delay for an inter-partition 
signal to arrive at the project's virtual input pin from another module. 
The value helps guide lower-level placement.

-virtual_output_pin_delay <delay_in_ns>
No default.

Specifies a delay, in nanoseconds, that is used to constrain all paths
to any of the newly created virtual output pins in the lower-levels.  
This is to help guide the lower-level placement and produce a better 
quality top-level result.

The value represents the maximum acceptable delay for an inter-partition 
signal driven by the virtual output pin to arrive at its destination.
The value helps guide lower-level placement.
Example Usage
This command currently contains no example usage.
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: Can't find active revision name. Make sure there is an open, active revision name.
TCL_ERROR 1 ERROR: You must open a project before you can use this command.