Fitter Stage Reports

The Fitter generates detailed reports and messages for each stage of place and route. The Fitter Summary reports basic information about the Fitter run, such as date, software version, device family, timing model, and logic utilization.
  • The Plan stage reports describe the I/O, interface, and control signals discovered during the periphery planning stage of the Fitter.
  • During Early Place the Fitter begins assigning core design logic to device resources.
  • The Place stage reports describe all device resources the Fitter allocates during logic placement. The report details include the type, number, and overall percentage of each resource type.
  • The Route stage reports describe all device resources that the Fitter allocates during routing. Details include the type, number, and overall percentage of each resource type.
  • The Finalize stage reports describe final placement and routing operations, including:
    • Programmable Power Technology tile changes:
    • Delay chain summary information
    • Post-route hold fix-up data. The Compiler may report hold violations for short paths following the Retime stage. The Fitter identifies and corrects the short paths with hold violations during the Fitter (Finalize) stage by adding routing wire along the paths.