Merging LogicLock® Plus Regions

When you create a floorplan for your design, you may want to create non-rectangular LogicLock® Plus regions to exclude certain resources from the LogicLock® Plus region in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software. You might also create a non-rectangular LogicLock® Plus region to place certain parts of your design around specific device resources to improve performance.

To create a non-rectangular region with the Merge LogicLock® Plus Region command, follow these steps:

  1. In the Chip Planner, create two or more contiguous or non-contiguous rectangular regions. You can assign logic to zero or one region.
  2. Arrange the regions that you have created into the locations where you want the non-rectangular region.
  3. Select all the individual regions that you want to merge by clicking each of them while pressing the Shift key.
  4. Right-click the title bar of any of the LogicLock® Plus regions that you want to merge, point to LogicLock® Plus Regions, and then click Merge LogicLock® Plus Region. The individual regions that you select merge to create a single new region.
    • You cannot merge two assigned regions. First create and merge the regions, then assign logic to the merged region.
    • You can merge a single assigned region as long as all other regions are unassigned.