(Optional) To manually identify transceiver channels, follow these steps

  1. In the Transceiver Toolkit, click the Transmitter Channels,orReceiver Channels.tab
  2. Specify an alias for the new transmitter or receiver channel.
  3. For transmitter channels, specify the Generator path.
  4. For receiver channels, specify the Checker path.
  5. In the Transceiver path box, specify a transceiver path.
  6. In the Reconfig path box, specify a reconfiguration path. System Console creates a virtual file system that you can browse to in the System Explorer pane
    Note: The transceiver path may be slightly different, depending on which version of the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software you used to create your design.
  7. Assign a number to the channel you create in the Logical channel address box. The number you assign must match the number you assigned when you first created the transceiver design.
  8. Click Create Transmitter Channel or Create Receiver Channel.