ID:35015 Partition "<name>" has no effect on incremental compilation

CAUSE: The specified partition definition has no effect on incremental compilation and was not used by Partition Merge due to the following reasons:
  • You defined a new partition but did not resynthesize its parent partition, either because you did not perform Analysis & Synthesis or the parent partition has its Netlist Type set to ignore source file changes, causing synthesis to be skipped.
  • The partition is defined for a hierarchy that does not exist in the design, possibly due to a spelling mistake in the PARTITION_HIERARCHY assignment.
  • The partition is under a parent partition with the Netlist Type property set to Empty. Because the entire design hierarchy is replaced by an empty netlist, the entity instance represented by the specified partition no longer exists and is not merged.
  • The partition is under a parent partition with the Netlist Type property set to Imported or Post-Fit (Import-based). The partition is considered to be part of the parent partition and therefore does not need to be merged separately.

ACTION: If the message refers to a partition that you defined recently, make sure that the parent partition is resynthesized by performing Analysis & Synthesis with the parent partition's Netlist Type set to Post-Fit, Post-Synthesis, or Source File. If you added the partition assignment PARTITION_HIERARCHY manually, make sure that the hierarchy path is not misspelled. You should ignore this message only if you intend the specified partitions to be ignored by the Quartus Prime software.