Add to Simulation Output Waveforms logic option

A logic option that adds a signal to a node. You can observe the signal in the Simulation Waveforms section of the Simulation Report after a successful simulation.

This option is useful if you want to observe the output waveform vector for a specified signal in the Simulation Waveforms section after a successful simulation. For example, for a design that contains 2 inputs and generates 3 outputs (signals A, B and C), during a simulation, the design requires an input vector file that specifies the input stimuli for the 2 inputs. But an input vector file is not required to include the output vector for the output signals explicitly into the vector file and to observe the output waveform vectors. You can use this option to mark a signal for observation. For example, if you turn on this option for signals A and B, then the output waveform vectors for signals A and B are visible in the generated Simulation Waveforms section automatically after a successful simulation.

This option must be assigned to a node or it is ignored. This option is available for all Altera devices.

Scripting Information

Keyword: add_to_simulation_output_waveforms

Settings: on | off