Upgrade IP Components Dialog Box (Project Menu)

Allows you to upgrade IP components in your Quartus® Prime Standard Edition project. The Project Navigator prompts you to upgrade IP components when you open a project that contains outdated IP variations. You can open this dialog box by right-clicking an IP component in the IP Components tab in the Project Navigator, and then clicking Upgrade IP Component.

You must upgrade outdated components for the design to compile successfully. Click Perform Automatic Upgrade to upgrade all IP cores that support automatic upgrade at once. Click Upgade in Editor to upgrade IP cores that do not support automatic upgrade. The Description feild provides details about upgrade and links to more information.

Columns in the dialog box list the entity name, IP component name, version of the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software that created the IP component, IP file name, and a description indicating whether the IP component should be upgraded. Clicking a column header sorts the information in ascending or descending order.

Icons indicate whether IP components are up-to-date or should be regenerated.

Command-line support for IP component upgrade is available with the quartus_sh utility in the following format:

quartus_sh --ip_upgrade [<options>] <project_name>

The table below describes the options available for the quartus_sh utility.




Regenerates the components with the specified variation file path. The path is relative path or absolute.


Lists outdated component information for the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition project, and includes the entity name, IP core name, and variation file path, for example:

quartus_sh --ip_upgrade --list_ip_cores <project_name>

-mode=< all | outdated | required >

Regenerates the components with a specific mode. Use all to regenerate all components in the current Quartus® Prime Standard Edition project. Use outdated to regenerate components older than the current Quartus software II version, which includes required-regeneration components. Use required to regenerate the required-regenerate components only; "required" is the default value.