Non-Secure DMA Module Address Map

This address space is allocated for non-secure DMA accesses. For detailed information about the use of this address space, click here to access the ARM documentation for the DMA-330.

Table 1. Non-secure DMA Module Address Range
Module Instance Start Address End Address
non-secure_dma 0xFFE00000 0xFFE00FFF
Table 2. Non-secure DMA Register Space
Register Group Description Start Address End Address
Control This address space is allocated for DMA control registers. 0xFFE00000 0xFFE0005F
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFE00060 0xFFE000FF
DMA Channel Thread Status This address space is allocated for the registers that provide the status of the DMA channel threads. 0xFFE00100 0xFFE0013F
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFE00140 0xFFE003FF
AXI and Loop Counter Status This address space is allocated for the registers that provide the AXI transfer status and loop counter status for each DMA channel thread. 0xFFE00400 0xFFE004F0
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFE004F4 0xFFE00CFF
Debug This address space is allocated for the debug registers. 0xFFE00D00 0xFFE00D0F
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFE00D10 0xFFE00DFF
Configuration This address space holds registers that can be read for configuration data and control watchdog behavior. 0xFFE00E00 0xFFE00E80
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFE00E84 0xFFE00FDF
Component ID This address space holds peripheral ID information. 0xFFE00FE0 0xFFE00FFF