MPU Address Map

This address space is allocated to the MPU. For detailed information about the use of this address space, click here to access the documentation for the Cortex-A9 MPCore.

Table 1. MPU Module Address Range
Module Instance Start Address End Address
Table 2. MPU Module Register Space
Module Instance Description Start Address End Address
SCU This address space is allocated for the Snoop Control Unit registers. 0xFFFEC000 0xFFFEC0FF
GIC This address space is allocated for the General Interrupt Controller (GIC) registers. 0xFFFEC100 0xFFFEC1FF
Global Timer This address space is allocated for the Global Timer registers. 0xFFFC200 0xFFFEC2FF
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFFEC300 0xFFFEC5FF
Private Timers and Watchdog Timers This is the address space is allocated for private timers and watchdog timers. 0xFFFEC600 0xFFFEC6FF
Reserved This address space is reserved.

Caution: Any access to this region causes a SLVERR abort exception.

Interrupt Distributor This address space is allocated for the interrupt distributor. 0xFFFED000 0xFFFEDFFF
Reserved This address space is reserved. 0xFFFEE000 0xFFFEEFFF