Counter feature status flag
Module Instance Base Address Register Address
ecc_hmc_ocp_slv_block 0xFFCFB000 0xFFCFB128

Offset: 0x128

Access: RW

Important: The value of a reserved bit must be maintained in software. When you modify registers containing reserved bit fields, you must use a read-modify-write operation to preserve state and prevent indeterminate system behavior.
Bit Fields
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0








Bit Name Description Access Reset
Auto writeback counter match flag.
This bit indicates that the internal autoWB counter and autoWB_drop_cnt value matched.  
1'b0: read indicates match check of hmi_intr interrupt on compare match is disabled. 
1'b1: read indicates compare has matched.  Write of one will clear the pending compare match. This will not de-assert the hmi_intr signal - software needs to write to hmi_intrpen bit to clear the interrupt. 
When the match occurs, additional errors will not increment count until the compare status flag is cleared. If the software does not change the autoWB_drop_cnt register prior to clearing this flag or reset the autoWB counter, next increment of internal autoWB counter could set this flag in the next cycle.
RW 0x0
Counter Match occurred flag.
This bit indicates that the internal counter and SERRCNT value matched.  
1'b0: read indicates match check of SERR interrupt on compare match is disabled. 
1'b1: read indicates compare has matched.  Write of one will clear the pending compare match. This will not de-assert the serr_req signal - software needs to write to serrpen bit to clear the interrupt. 
When the match occurs, additional errors will not increment count until the compare status flag is cleared. If the software does not change the SERRCNT register prior to clearing this flag or reset the internal counter, next increment of internal counter could set this flag again in the next cycle.
RW 0x0