AN 951: Intel® Stratix® 10 I/O Limited FPGA Design Guidelines

ID 683607
Date 8/24/2021

1. Introduction

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 21.1
This document provides design guidelines specific to Intel® Stratix® 10 I/O Limited (IOL) FPGAs designated by ordering part numbers (OPN) ending with -NL. I/O Limited FPGAs limit transceiver utilization such that the one-way aggregate bandwidth is ≤499 Gbps and GPIO utilization to ≤700 I/O pins.

Customers may find these devices useful where export restrictions constrain the usage of FPGAs with transceiver and I/O utilization above those limits. Unless otherwise specified, Intel® Stratix® 10 I/O Limited FPGAs behave identically to standard Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGAs.

This document is based on Intel® Quartus® Prime software version 21.1.