Application Performance Snapshot User Guide for Linux* OS

ID 772048
Date 10/31/2024

Filtering by Key Metric

All charts provided by the tool are sorted by its key metric. The key metric for a chart may be:

  • TIME – controlled by the -T (--time_threshold) key
  • VOLUME – controlled by the -V (--volume_threshold) key

If a chart is sorted by TIME, the time threshold is applied for the table filtering. VOLUME threshold is not applied to this chart. And vice versa: the volume threshold is applied to charts sorted by VOLUME and does not affect charts sorted by TIME.

You can use both thresholds only when the tool displays several charts sorted by different key metrics.

Default value for both key metric thresholds is 1%. This is equivalent to the following combination of command line options: –T 1 –V 1

Zero value -V 0 disables filtering by VOLUME, and the -T 0 filter disables filtering by TIME.

Maximum value for the thresholds is 100%.

The filter hides the lines with the key metric percentage less than the filter threshold. For example, lines with Volume(%) less than 1% are hidden in the table charts sorted by VOLUME.


By default, filter by number of lines is enabled. To see independent result of the metric filter usage, disable this filter. Use the key -N 0.


In all examples, the Message Size chart is used. The chart is sorted by VOLUME, so the -V key is used for filtering. The -T key does not affect the output.

Example 1

To show all lines in the chart, enter:

$ aps-report -V 0 -N 0 -m aps_result_<postfix>


| Message Sizes summary for all ranks
| Message size(B)       Volume(MB)        Volume(%)        Transfers
           262144             8340          11.6789            33360
           524288             8340          11.6789            16680
          1048576             8340          11.6789             8340
          2097152             8280          11.5948             4140
          4194304             8160          11.4268             2040
           131072             8130          11.3848            65040
            65536             7650          10.7126           122400
            32768             5805            8.129           185760
            16384          2966.25          4.15377           189840
             8192             1500          2.10052           192000
          8388608             1440           2.0165              180
         16777216              960          1.34433               60
             4096              750          1.05026           192000
             2048              375         0.525129           192000
             1024            187.5         0.262565           192000
              512            93.75         0.131282           192000
              256           46.875        0.0656411           192000
              128          23.4375        0.0328206           192000
               64          11.7188        0.0164103           192000
               32          5.85938       0.00820514           192000
               16          2.92975       0.00410266           192004
                8          1.49738       0.00209684           196264
                4         0.749222       0.00104917           196404
                2         0.308998      0.000432704           162004
                1         0.143055      0.000200326           150004
               60      0.000114441     1.60257e-007                2
               12     2.28882e-005     3.20513e-008                2
                0                0                0           214062
| TOTAL                      71411              100          3466586

Example 2

To apply the default VALUE filter to the Message Size chart, enter:

$ aps-report -N 0 -m aps_result_<postfix>


| Message Sizes summary for all ranks
| Message size(B)       Volume(MB)        Volume(%)        Transfers
           262144             8340          11.6789            33360
           524288             8340          11.6789            16680
          1048576             8340          11.6789             8340
          2097152             8280          11.5948             4140
          4194304             8160          11.4268             2040
           131072             8130          11.3848            65040
            65536             7650          10.7126           122400
            32768             5805            8.129           185760
            16384          2966.25          4.15377           189840
             8192             1500          2.10052           192000
          8388608             1440           2.0165              180
         16777216              960          1.34433               60
             4096              750          1.05026           192000
| [skipped 15 lines]
| TOTAL                      71411              100          3466586

In this example, all lines with the Volume(%) value less than 1% are skipped.

Example 3

To skip all lines with the Volume(%) value less than 10%, enter:

$ aps-report –V 10 -N 0 -m aps_result_<postfix>


| Message Sizes summary for all ranks
| Message size(B)       Volume(MB)        Volume(%)        Transfers
           262144             8340          11.6789            33360
           524288             8340          11.6789            16680
          1048576             8340          11.6789             8340
          2097152             8280          11.5948             4140
          4194304             8160          11.4268             2040
           131072             8130          11.3848            65040
            65536             7650          10.7126           122400
| [skipped 21 lines]
| TOTAL                      71411              100          3466586