GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents RTL Connection Example for JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP

The following example shows the RTL connections for a two lane GTS channel implementation.
The i_reconfig_address address bus width is:
You must set the address parameters for the interface in your design file as follows:
parameter  addr_width = 19
Note: The GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel® FPGA IP uses word addressing format for the reconfiguration address bus interface. The JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP uses byte addressing format. Therefore, you must handle the conversion of word addressing format to byte addressing format by shifting the reconfiguration address (i_reconfig_address) bus by two bits, as shown in the following example.
Figure 69. Example RTL Connections for the JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge Intel® FPGA IP
.i_reconfig_clk           ( i_reconfig_clk        ),  // 100 MHz
.i_reconfig_reset	     ( i_reconfig_reset      ),
.i_reconfig_write	     ( write_bridge	      ),
.i_reconfig_read	      ( read_bridge	       ),
.i_reconfig_address       ( address_bridge [addr_width + 1: 2]),
.i_reconfig_byteenable    ( byteenable_bridge     ),
.i_reconfig_writedata	 ( writedata_bridge      ),
.o_reconfig_readdata      ( readdata_bridge	   ),
.o_reconfig_readdatavalid ( readdatavalid_bridge  ),
.o_reconfig_waitrequest   ( waitrequest_bridge	)