Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410931968922
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410931968922
6.2.5. If_Mode Register (Word Offset 0x14)
Bit(s) | Name | R/W | Description |
0 | SGMII_ENA | RW | Determines the PCS function operating mode. Setting this bit to 1 enables SGMII mode. Setting this bit to 0 enables 1000BASE-X gigabit mode. |
RW |
This bit applies only to SGMII mode. Setting this bit to 1 causes the PCS function to be configured with the link partner abilities advertised during auto-negotiation. If this bit is set to 0, it is recommended for the PCS function to be configured with the SGMII_SPEED and SGMII_DUPLEX bits. |
3:2 | SGMII_SPEED[1:0] | RW | SGMII speed. When the PCS function operates in SGMII mode (SGMII_ENA = 1) and programed not to be automatically configured (USE_SGMII_AN = 0), set the speed as follows:
These bits are ignored when SGMII_ENA is 0 or USE_SGMII_AN is 1. These bits are only valid if you only enable the SGMII mode and not the auto-negotiation mode. |
4 | SGMII_DUPLEX | RW | SGMII half-duplex mode. Setting this bit to 1 enables half duplex for 10/100 Mbps speed. This bit is ignored when SGMII_ENA is 0 or USE_SGMII_AN is 1. These bits are only valid if you only enable the SGMII mode and not the auto-negotiation mode. |
RW |
SGMII auto-negotiation mode:
This bit resets to 0, which defaults to SGMII MAC mode. |
15:6 | Reserved | — | — |