F-Tile Triple-Speed Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 741328
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.2.1. Control Register (Word Offset 0x00)

Table 39.  PCS Control Register Bit Descriptions
Bit(s) Name R/W Description
0:4 Reserved
5 UNIDIRECTIONAL_ENABLE RW Enables the unidirectional function. This bit depends on bit 12. When bit 12 is one, this bit is ignored.

When bit 12 is zero, bit 5 indicates the unidirectional function:

  • A value of 1 enables transmit from media independent interface regardless of whether the PHY has determined that a valid link has been established.
  • A value of 0 enables transmit from media independent interface only when the PHY has determined that a valid link has been established.

The reset value of this bit is zero.

6, 13 SPEED_SELECTION RO Indicates the operating mode of the PCS function. Bits 6 and 13 are set to 1 and 0 respectively. This combination of values represent the gigabit mode.

Bit [6, 13]:

  • 00: 10 Mbps
  • 01: 100 Mbps
  • 10: 1 Gigabit
  • 11: Reserved
7 COLLISION_TEST RO The 1000BASE-X PCS function does not support half-duplex mode. This bit is always set to 0.

Ignore this bit if you are using SGMII PCS function.

8 DUPLEX_MODE RO The 1000BASE-X PCS function only supports full-duplex mode. This bit is always set to 1.

Ignore this bit if you are using SGMII PCS function.




Set this bit to 1 to restart the auto-negotiation sequence. For normal operation, set this bit to 0 (reset value).

10 ISOLATE RW Set this bit to 1 to isolate the PCS function from the MAC layer device. For normal operation, set this bit to 0 (reset value).



Set this bit to 1 to power down the transceiver quad. The PCS function then asserts the powerdown signal to indicate the state it is in.




Set this bit to 1 (reset value) to enable auto-negotiation.

14 LOOPBACK RW PHY loopback. Set this bit to 1 to implement loopback in the GX transceiver. For normal operation, set this bit to 0 (reset value). This bit is ignored if reduced ten-bit interface (RTBI) is implemented.

This feature is supported in all device families except the Cyclone IV GX device families.

15 RESET RW Self-clearing reset bit. Set this bit to 1 to generate a synchronous reset pulse which resets all the PCS function state machines, comma detection function, and 8b/10b encoder and decoder. For normal operation, set this bit to 0 (asynchronous reset value).