Visible to Intel only — GUID: ppm1721117874349
1. About the RiscFree* IDE
2. Getting Started with the Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs
3. Using Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs with Nios® V Processor System
4. Using Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs with Arm* Hard Processor System
5. Debugging Features with RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs
6. Debugging with Command-Line Interface
7. Ashling RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide Archives
8. Document Revision History for the Ashling RiscFree* Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Intel® FPGAs User Guide
A. Appendix
3.1. Importing Nios® V Processor Project
3.2. Building Nios® V Processor Project
3.3. Setting Run Configuration to Download Nios® V Processor Project
3.4. Setting Debug Configuration to Debug Nios® V Processor Project
3.5. Setting Debug Configuration to Debug a Booting Nios® V Processor Project
3.6. Debugging Tools
5.1. Debug Features in RiscFree* IDE
5.2. Processor System Debug
5.3. Heterogeneous Multicore Debug
5.4. Debugging µC/OS-II Application
5.5. Debugging FreeRTOS Application
5.6. Debugging Zephyr Application
5.7. Arm* HPS On-Chip Trace
5.8. Debugging the Arm* Linux Kernel
5.9. Debugging Target Software in an Intel® Simics Simulator Session
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ppm1721117874349
2.3.3. Specifying the Project Type
Select the project type that is appropriate to your project. The project type determine the toolchain, data, and tab that the IDE uses.