Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.4.2. Programming Your Device With JTAG Chain Configuration

After you compile your project, you must configure your FPGA before you use the In-System Sources and Probes Editor.

To configure a device to use with the In-System Sources and Probes Editor, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the In-System Sources and Probes Editor.
  2. In the JTAG Chain Configuration pane, point to Hardware, and then select the hardware communications device. You may be prompted to configure your hardware; in this case, click Setup.
  3. From the Device list, select the FPGA device to which you want to download the design (the device may be automatically detected). You may need to click Scan Chain to detect your target device.
  4. In the JTAG Chain Configuration pane, click to browse for the SRAM Object File (.sof) that includes the In-System Sources and Probes instance or instances. (The .sof may be automatically detected).
  5. Click Program Device to program the target device.