Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 10/02/2023

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2.6. SLD JTAG Bridge

The SLD JTAG Bridge extends the debug fabric across partitions, allowing a higher-level partition (static region or root partition) to access debug signals in a lower-level partition (partial reconfiguration region or core partition).

This bridge consists of two IP components:

  • SLD JTAG Bridge Agent Intel® FPGA IP —Resides in the higher-level partition.

    Extends the JTAG debug fabric from a higher-level partition to a lower-lever partition containing the SLD JTAG Bridge Host IP. You instantiate the SLD JTAG Bridge Agent IP in the higher-level partition.

  • SLD JTAG Bridge Host Intel® FPGA IP —resides in the lower-level partition. Connects to the PR JTAG hub on one end, and to the SLD JTAG Bridge Agent on the higher-level partition.

    Connects the JTAG debug fabric in a lower-level to a higher-level partition containing the SLD JTAG Bridge Agent IP. You instantiate the SLD JTAG Bridge Host IP in the lower-level partition.

Figure 3. Signals in a SLD JTAG Bridge

For each PR region or reserved core partition you debug, you must instantiate one SLD JTAG Bridge Agent in the higher-level partition and one SLD JTAG Bridge Host in the lower-level partition.