Visible to Intel only — GUID: uqt1523641783274
Visible to Intel only — GUID: uqt1523641783274
1.6.1. SLD JTAG Bridge Index
The Intel® Quartus® Prime software supports multiple instances of the SLD JTAG Bridge in designs. The Compiler assigns an index number to distinguish each instance. The bridge index for the root partition is always None.
When configuring the Signal Tap logic analyzer for the root partition, set the Bridge Index value to None in the JTAG Chain Configuration window.
Bridge Index Information in the Compilation Report
Following design synthesis, the Compilation Report lists the index numbers for the SLD JTAG Bridge Agents in the design. Open the Synthesis > In-System Debugging > JTAG Bridge Instance Agent Information report for details about how the bridge indexes are enumerated. The reports shows the hierarchy path and the associated index.
In the synthesis report (<base revision>.syn.rpt), this information appears in the table JTAG Bridge Agent Instance Information.