Visible to Intel only — GUID: nik1411442202533
2.1. Installation and Licensing
2.2. Generating CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Core
2.3. CPRI Intel® FPGA IP File Structure
2.4. CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Core Parameters
2.5. Integrating Your Intel® FPGA IP Core in Your Design: Required External Blocks
2.6. Simulating Intel FPGA IP Cores
2.7. Understanding the Testbench
2.8. Running the Design Example
2.9. Compiling the Full Design and Programming the FPGA
2.5.1. Adding the Transceiver TX PLL IP Core
2.5.2. Adding the Reset Controller
2.5.3. Adding the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller
2.5.4. Adding the Off-Chip Clean-Up PLL
2.5.5. Adding and Connecting the Single-Trip Delay Calibration Blocks
2.5.6. Transceiver PLL Calibration
2.5.7. Reference and System PLL Clock for your IP Design
3.1. Interfaces Overview
3.2. CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Core Clocking Structure
3.3. CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Core Reset Requirements
3.4. Start-Up Sequence Following Reset
3.5. AUX Interface
3.6. Direct IQ Interface
3.7. Ctrl_AxC Interface
3.8. Direct Vendor Specific Access Interface
3.9. Real-Time Vendor Specific Interface
3.10. Direct HDLC Serial Interface
3.11. Direct L1 Control and Status Interface
3.12. L1 Debug Interface
3.13. Media Independent Interface (MII) to External Ethernet Block
3.14. Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII) to External Ethernet Block
3.15. CPU Interface to CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Registers
3.16. Auto-Rate Negotiation
3.17. Extended Delay Measurement
3.18. Deterministic Latency and Delay Measurement and Calibration
3.19. CPRI Intel® FPGA IP Transceiver and Transceiver Management Interfaces
3.20. Testing Features
3.19.1. CPRI Link
3.19.2. Main Transceiver Clock and Reset Signals
3.19.3. Arria V, Arria V GZ, Cyclone V, and Stratix V Transceiver Reconfiguration Interface
3.19.4. Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Stratix® 10, and Intel® Agilex™ Transceiver Reconfiguration Interface
3.19.5. RS-FEC Interface
3.19.6. Interface to the External Reset Controller
3.19.7. Interface to the External PLL
3.19.8. Transceiver Debug Interface
5.1. INTR Register
5.2. L1_STATUS Register
5.3. L1_CONFIG Register
5.4. BIT_RATE_CONFIG Register
5.5. PROT_VER Register
5.6. TX_SCR Register
5.7. RX_SCR Register
5.8. CM_CONFIG Register
5.9. CM_STATUS Register
5.10. START_UP_SEQ Register
5.11. START_UP_TIMER Register
5.12. FLSAR Register
5.13. CTRL_INDEX Register
5.14. TX_CTRL Register
5.15. RX_CTRL Register
5.16. RX_ERR Register
5.17. RX_BFN Register
5.18. LOOPBACK Register
5.19. TX_DELAY Register
5.20. RX_DELAY Register
5.21. TX_EX_DELAY Register
5.22. RX_EX_DELAY Register
5.23. ROUND_TRIP_DELAY Register
5.24. XCVR_BITSLIP Register
5.25. DELAY_CAL_STD_CTRL1 Register
5.26. DELAY_CAL_STD_CTRL2 Register
5.27. DELAY_CAL_STD_CTRL3 Register
5.28. DELAY_CAL_STD_CTRL4 Register
5.29. DELAY_CAL_STD_CTRL5 Register
5.31. DELAY_CAL_RTD Register
5.32. XCVR_TX_FIFO_DELAY Register
5.33. XCVR_RX_FIFO_DELAY Register
5.34. IP_INFO Register
5.35. DEBUG_STATUS Register
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nik1411442202533
5.10. START_UP_SEQ Register
Bits | Field Name | Type | Value on Reset | Description |
31:17 | Reserved | UR0 | 15'b0 | — |
16 | startup_timer_expired | RO | 1'b0 | Indicates that the internal L1 start-up timer is expired, based on the value of the startup_timer_period field of the START_UP_TIMER register. |
15:11 | Reserved | UR0 | 5'b0 | — |
10:8 | state_startup_seq | RO | 3'b0 | Indicates the current state of the start-up sequence. This field has the following valid values:
7:4 | Reserved | UR0 | 4'b0 | — |
3 | nego_vss_complete | RW | 1'b0 | Indicates the Vendor Specific negotiation is complete. You must set this bit to move the start-up sequence state machine from state E to state F. If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_vss_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit. |
2 | nego_cm_complete | RW | 1'b0 | Indicates the Control and Management negotiation is complete and the start-up sequence state machine can move from state D to state E. If the slow_cm_rate_auto field or the fast_cm_ptr_auto field, or both, in the CM_CONFIG register has the value of 1, the IP core updates this bit if the user does not update it. If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_cm_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit.
Note: If the Control and Management negotiation cannot complete successfully, per Figure 30 in the CPRI specification v7.0 (2013-08-30), the start-up sequence state machine moves from state D to state G. In that case the IP core does not set the nego_cm_complete bit, and the state_startup_seq field reflects the state change.
1 | nego_protocol_complete | RW | 1'b0 | Indicates the protocol version negotiation is complete and the start-up sequence state machine can move from state C to state D. If the prot_ver_auto field of the PROT_VER register has the value of 1, the IP core updates this bit if the user does not update it. If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_protocol_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit. |
0 | nego_bitrate_complete | RW | 1'b0 | Indicates the CPRI line bit rate negotiation is complete. If you turn on Enable start-up sequence state machine, the nego_bitrate_complete input signal writes directly to this register bit. |