Visible to Intel only — GUID: eoo1487184664543
1.1. System Specification
1.2. Device Selection
1.3. Early System and Board Planning
1.4. Pin Connection Considerations for Board Design
1.5. I/O and Clock Planning
1.6. Design Entry
1.7. Design Implementation, Analysis, Optimization, and Verification
1.8. Conclusion
1.9. Document Revision History
1.10. Design Checklist
1.11. Appendix: Arria® 10 Transceiver Design Guidelines
1.7.1. Selecting a Synthesis Tool
1.7.2. Device Resource Utilization Reports
1.7.3. Quartus Prime Messages
1.7.4. Timing Constraints and Analysis
1.7.5. Area and Timing Optimization
1.7.6. Preserving Performance and Reducing Compilation Time
1.7.7. Simulation
1.7.8. Formal Verification
1.7.9. Power Analysis
1.7.10. Power Optimization
Visible to Intel only — GUID: eoo1487184664543
1.3.3. Voltage Sensor
Arria® 10 devices have an on chip voltage sensor. The sensor provides a 12-bit digital representation of the analog signal being observed. This feature can be used for live monitoring of critical on-chip power supplies and external analog voltage.
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