Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1395329613222
1. Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores
2. LPM_COUNTER (Counter) IP Core
3. LPM_DIVIDE (Divider) Intel FPGA IP Core
4. LPM_MULT (Multiplier) IP Core
5. LPM_ADD_SUB (Adder/Subtractor)
6. LPM_COMPARE (Comparator)
7. ALTECC (Error Correction Code: Encoder/Decoder) IP Core
8. Intel FPGA Multiply Adder IP Core
9. ALTMEMMULT (Memory-based Constant Coefficient Multiplier) IP Core
10. ALTMULT_ACCUM (Multiply-Accumulate) IP Core
11. ALTMULT_ADD (Multiply-Adder) IP Core
12. ALTMULT_COMPLEX (Complex Multiplier) IP Core
13. ALTSQRT (Integer Square Root) IP Core
14. PARALLEL_ADD (Parallel Adder) IP Core
15. Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide Document Archives
16. Document Revision History for Intel FPGA Integer Arithmetic IP Cores User Guide
7.1. ALTECC Encoder Features
7.2. Verilog HDL Prototype (ALTECC_ENCODER)
7.3. Verilog HDL Prototype (ALTECC_DECODER)
7.4. VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_ENCODER)
7.5. VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_DECODER)
7.6. VHDL LIBRARY_USE Declaration
7.7. Encoder Ports
7.8. Decoder Ports
7.9. Encoder Parameters
7.10. Decoder Parameters
Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1395329613222
5.2. Verilog HDL Prototype
The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the < Intel® Quartus® Prime installation directory>\eda\synthesis directory.
module lpm_add_sub ( result, cout, overflow,add_sub, cin, dataa, datab, clock, clken, aclr );
parameter lpm_type = "lpm_add_sub";
parameter lpm_width = 1;
parameter lpm_direction = "UNUSED";
parameter lpm_representation = "SIGNED";
parameter lpm_pipeline = 0;
parameter lpm_hint = "UNUSED";
input [lpm_width-1:0] dataa, datab;
input add_sub, cin;
input clock;
input clken;
input aclr;
output [lpm_width-1:0] result;
output cout, overflow;