AN 669: Drive-On-Chip Design Example for Cyclone V Devices

ID 683466
Date 5/15/2022
Document Table of Contents

Compiling the Nios II Software

  1. Start Nios II EDS. Click Start > Altera > Nios II EDS > Nios II Software Build Tools
  2. Specify the \software folder as the workspace by browsing to the reference design \software directory.
  3. Click OK to create the workspace.
  4. Import application and board support package (BSP) projects:
    1. Click File > Import.
    2. Expand General and click Existing Projects into Workspace.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Browse to \software\<variant> and click OK.
    5. Click Finish.
    6. Repeat steps a to e for <variant>_bsp.
  5. Single-axis power boards default to EnDat; multiaxis power boards default to BiSS. To override the default encoder, edit mc.h to define the OVERRIDE_ENCODER macro:



  6. Rebuild the BSP project: right-click <variant>_bsp project, point to Nios II, and click Generate BSP.
  7. Build the application project: right-click <variant> project and click Build Project.
    Note: On Windows, the first time you build the project might take up to one hour.
    Note: Repeat steps 6 and 7 if you make any changes to the Qsys project.