Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.16.1. Registering the SDC-on-RTL SDC File

For the Post-Synthesis Static Timing Analysis (STA), your design must include an associated SDC-on-RTL SDC file. You can use the GUI to register an SDC-on-RTL file with your current project from the File Properties dialog by specifying its type as SDC File Targeting RTL names, as shown in the following image:

Figure 116. Registering the SDC-on-RTL SDC File
Note: Alternatively, you can also associate an SDC-on-RTL file with your project from the Timing Analyzer's Constraints > Read SDC File option.

SDC-on-RTL files are registered with an Quartus® Prime software project through the following RTL_SDC_FILE assignment:

set_global_assignment -name RTL_SDC_FILE sdc_on_rtl_file.sdc
Note: Although you can use any file extension, Intel® recommends using an intuitive file extension, for example, rtlsdc, to help distinguish SDC-on-RTL SDC files from the conventional Quartus® Prime software SDC files if your design uses both.