Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

1.12.2. Precompiled Component (PCC) Generation Stage

Precompiled Components (PCC) generation is an optional compilation stage that you can run between IP Generation and Analysis & Synthesis. The PCC Generation stage synthesizes and caches the compilation results of IP components in your design, thereby reducing synthesis time for those IP in subsequent synthesis runs.

PCC generation does the following:

  1. Synthesizes Intel® FPGA IP components in your design.
  2. Generates and caches IP compilation results in your project's ocs_cache_dir (IP cache) directory.
  3. Reuses the IP cache in subsequent synthesis runs.
Figure 130. PCC Generation

By default, the PCC generation flow is disabled. Enable PCC from Assignments > Settings > Board and IP Settings.

If the PCC generation flow compiles successfully, you can view the Precompiled Components compilation report for each IP that participates in the flow under the Compilation Reports dialog.

Advantages of PCC Generation Flow

  • Each unique IP is generated only once and cached, so the subsequent Synthesis run does not perform PCC generation if you have not modified any IP in your design.
  • If you modify any IP, the PCC generation flow synthesizes only that IP and skips synthesizing the remaining IPs.
  • The PCC generation process occurs in parallel for each IP.
  • Synthesis compile time savings scales with the proportion of the design that is IP.