Visible to Intel only — GUID: ywn1611859607172
1.1. Using Provided HDL Templates
1.2. Instantiating IP Cores in HDL
1.3. Inferring Multipliers and DSP Functions
1.4. Inferring Memory Functions from HDL Code
1.5. Register and Latch Coding Guidelines
1.6. General Coding Guidelines
1.7. Designing with Low-Level Primitives
1.8. Cross-Module Referencing (XMR) in HDL Code
1.9. Using force Statements in HDL Code
1.10. Recommended HDL Coding Styles Revision History Use Synchronous Memory Blocks Avoid Unsupported Reset and Control Conditions Check Read-During-Write Behavior Controlling RAM Inference and Implementation Single-Clock Synchronous RAM with Old Data Read-During-Write Behavior Single-Clock Synchronous RAM with New Data Read-During-Write Behavior Simple Dual-Port, Dual-Clock Synchronous RAM True Dual-Port Synchronous RAM Mixed-Width Dual-Port RAM RAM with Byte-Enable Signals Specifying Initial Memory Contents at Power-Up If Performance is Important, Optimize for Speed Use Separate CRC Blocks Instead of Cascaded Stages Use Separate CRC Blocks Instead of Allowing Blocks to Merge Take Advantage of Latency if Available Save Power by Disabling CRC Blocks When Not in Use Initialize the Device with the Synchronous Load (sload) Signal
3.4.1. Apply Complete System-Centric Timing Constraints for the Timing Analyzer
3.4.2. Force the Identification of Synchronization Registers
3.4.3. Set the Synchronizer Data Toggle Rate
3.4.4. Optimize Metastability During Fitting
3.4.5. Increase the Length of Synchronizers to Protect and Optimize
3.4.6. Increase the Number of Stages Used in Synchronizers
3.4.7. Select a Faster Speed Grade Device
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ywn1611859607172
Ixiasoft Design Assistant Tags
Different Design Assistant Tags apply to each rule to extend search or filter capabilities based on the following facets of the rule. Refer to the Design Assistant Rule Settings to view which tags apply to each rule.
Tag |
Description |
cdc-bus | Design rule checks related to topologies that use a bus to transfer multiple bits of data between clock domains at once. |
clock-skew | Design rule checks related to clock skew. |
design-partition | Design rule checks which check design partitions. |
dsp | Design rule checks related to DSP blocks inside the FPGA fabric. |
false-positive-synchronizer | Design rule checks related to automatically-detected synchronizer chains that may have been over-zealously detected. |
global-signal | Design rule checks related to global signals. |
impossible-requirements | Design rule checks which check the requirements on failing timing paths and flag those which fail by construction. |
ip-parameterization | Design rule checks which look for parameterizable IP modules which may need to be adjusted to meet performance specifications. |
intrinsic-margin | Design rule checks which use the Intrinsic Margin metric (slack ignoring cell delay, IC delay and clock skew) to diagnose potential timing issues on failing paths. |
latch | Design rule checks related to latches. |
logic-levels | Design rule checks which flag potentially problematic amounts of logic on a timing path. |
minimum-pulse-width | Design rule checks related to minimum pulse width. |
nonstandard-timing | Design rule checks related to topologies which have unique timing analysis methodologies and may prove problematic. |
partial-reconfiguration | Design rule checks which check Partial Reconfiguration designs. |
place | Design rule checks which pertain to the Compiler's Place stage. |
project-settings | Design rule checks related to validating the project settings. |
ram | Design rule checks related to M20k blocks inside the FPGA fabric. |
region-constraints | Design rule checks related to region constraints in the design (both placement and routing). |
register-duplication | Design rule checks related to duplication of registers in the design, either manually or automatically. |
register-spread | Design rule checks related to measuring the spread of a register's sinks, as found in the "Report Register Spread" command. |
reset-usage | Design rule checks related to safe resets or appropriate use of reset modes. |
reset-reachability | Design rule checks related to reachability analysis of reset signals, including convergence of multiple reset signals. |
resource-usage | Design rule checks related to managing the resource usage of the design. |
retime | Design rule checks which pertain to the Compiler's Retime stage. |
route | Design rule checks which pertain to the Compiler's Route stage. |
sdc | Design rule checks related to SDC validity checking. |
synchronizer | Design rule checks related to synchronizer chains. |
synthesis | Design rule checks which pertain to the Compiler's Analysis & Synthesis stage. |
system | Design rule checks which validate full-system design. |