Visible to Intel only — GUID: jpj1624993910316
1.1. Generating Primary Device Programming Files
1.2. Generating Secondary Programming Files
1.3. Enabling Bitstream Security for Stratix® 10 and Agilex™ 7 Devices
1.4. Enabling Bitstream Encryption or Compression for Arria® 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Devices
1.5. Generating Programming Files for Partial Reconfiguration
1.6. Generating Programming Files for Intel® FPGA Devices with Hard Processor Systems
1.7. Scripting Support
1.8. Generating Programming Files Revision History
2.1. Quartus® Prime Programmer
2.2. Programming and Configuration Modes
2.3. Basic Device Configuration Steps
2.4. Specifying the Programming Hardware Setup
2.5. Programming with Flash Loaders
2.6. Verifying the Programming File Source with Project Hash
2.7. Using PR Bitstream Security Verification ( Stratix® 10 Designs)
2.8. Stand-Alone Programmer and Tools
2.9. Programmer Settings Reference
2.10. Scripting Support
2.11. Using the Quartus® Prime Programmer Revision History
2.9.1. Device & Pin Options Dialog Box
2.9.2. More Security Options Dialog Box
2.9.3. Output Files Tab Settings (Programming File Generator)
2.9.4. Input Files Tab Settings (Programming File Generator)
2.9.5. Bitstream Co-Signing Security Settings (Programming File Generator)
2.9.6. Configuration Device Tab Settings
2.9.7. Add Partition Dialog Box (Programming File Generator)
2.9.8. Add Filesystem Dialog Box (Programming File Generator)
2.9.9. Convert Programming File Dialog Box
2.9.10. Compression and Encryption Settings (Convert Programming File)
2.9.11. SOF Data Properties Dialog Box (Convert Programming File)
2.9.12. Select Devices (Flash Loader) Dialog Box
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jpj1624993910316
Ixiasoft JTAG Chain Integrity Tab
Use the JTAG Chain Integrity tab to check the JTAG chain for potential failure, which can be caused by either a short circuit or an open JTAG circuit.
Figure 36. JTAG Chain Integrity Tab

Pane | Description |
JTAG chain integrity test | Run the Programmer Auto Detect feature, which detects devices in a chain and automatically adds supported devices to the Device list in the Programmer. The devices are added in the order in which they exist in the device chain. If the Auto Detect feature fails to detect the JTAG chain, click Test JTAG Chain to run a JTAG chain integrity test to analyze the failure. |
IDCODE iteration test | Test for chain integrity and intermittent JTAG chain communication failure. This feature is turned off by default.
The IDCODE iteration test cycles through Reset and Shift DR states to read IDCODEs from the device chain, and reports the following information:
Results from the IDCODE iteration test appear in text format in the Session log pane and in graphic format in the Device chain pane. |