Visible to Intel only — GUID: skv1592416607608
Visible to Intel only — GUID: skv1592416607608
Ixiasoft SR-IOV Design Example Testbench
The figure below shows the SR-IOV design example simulation design hierarchy. The tests for the SR-IOV design example are performed by the task called sriov_test, which is defined in

The SR-IOV testbench supports up to two Physical Functions (PFs) and 32 Virtual Functions (VFs) per PF.
- Send a memory write request to a PF followed by a memory read request to read back the same data for comparison. If the read data matches the write data, it is a Pass. This test is performed by the task called my_test (defined in altpcietb_bfm_cfbp.v). This test is repeated twice for each PF.
- Send a memory write request to a VF followed by a memory read request to read back the same data for comparison. If the read data matches the write data, it is a Pass. This test is performed by the task called cfbp_target_test (defined in altpcietb_bfm_cfbp.v). This test is repeated for each VF.
The first memory write takes place around 263 us. It is followed by a memory read at the Avalon® -ST RX interface of PF0 of the P-tile Hard IP for PCIe. The Completion TLP appears shortly after the memory read request at the Avalon® -ST TX interface.