3.2. Avalon-ST TX Interface
Stratix 10 | Arria 10, Stratix V | Comments |
tx_st_data[255:0] |
tx_st_data[<n>-1:0] |
Stratix 10: Support 256 bits only. Arria 10 and Stratix V: Support 64, 128, and 256 bits. |
tx_st_sop | tx_st_sop[<n>-1:0] | Stratix 10: Supports a single packet per cycle. Arria 10 and Stratix V: When using a 256-bit Avalon-ST interface with multiple packets per cycle enabled, the following encodings apply for tx_st_sop[<n>-1:0]:
tx_st_eop | tx_st_eop[<n>-1:0] | Stratix 10: Supports a single packet per cycle. Arria 10 and Stratix V: When using a 256-bit Avalon-ST interface with multiple packets per cycle, the following encodings apply for tx_st_eop[<n>-1:0]:
tx_st_ready tx_st_valid |
tx_st_ready tx_st_valid |
Stratix 10: The ready latency is 3 clock cycles. Arria 10 and Stratix V: The ready latency is 2 clock cycles. |
tx_st_err | tx_st_err | Stratix 10: The application asserts tx_st_err to nullify the currently transmitting TLP. This signal must be asserted along with tx_st_eop. The erroneous TLP is ignored if tx_st_sop, tx_st_eop, and tx_st_err assert simultaneously. Arria 10 and Stratix V: The application asserts tx_st_err to nullify a TLP. tx_st_err must be asserted after the tx_st_sop cycle and before the tx_st_eop cycle. Consequently, tx_st_err is not available for 1-2 cycle TLPs. For 256-bit data, when you turn on Enable multiple packets per cycle, bit 0 applies to the entire bus tx_st_data[255:0]. Bit 1 is not used. |
tx_par_err | tx_par_err[1:0] | Stratix 10: The TL or DLL asserts the tx_par_err signal to indicate a parity error. Arria 10 and Stratix V: The following encodings apply for the tx_par_err[1:0] signal:
Not available. | tx_st_empty[1:0] | Stratix 10: Not supported. Arria 10 and Stratix V: Specifies the number of empty quad words (qwords) during cycles that contain the tx_st_eop[<n>-1:0] signal. |