Diagnostic Utility Check Options
The arguments below describe options for running your check. Multiple arguments may be added or they can be used one at a time. To use an argument, follow this syntax:
python3 diagnostics.py ARGUMENT1 ARGUMENT2
For example, to run the GPU detector check with verbosity and only output to the terminal:
python3 diagnostics.py --select intel_gpu_detector_check -t -v
Argument |
Description |
Example |
--select |
Select checks to run by group or check name. Each check can be marked with one or more groups. For a full list of available checks and groups, see List of Checks by Check Name. |
python3 diagnostics.py --select oneapi_app_check |
--list |
Show list of available checks in the terminal window. You can also see a list of available checks and groups in List of Checks by Check Name. |
python3 diagnostics.py --list |
Path to the JSON config file to run a group of checks or particular check from checkers. |
python3 diagnostics.py -c configs/sample_config.json |
Path to the folder for saving the console output file and the JSON file with the results of the performed checks. |
python3 diagnostics.py -o $HOME/intel/diagnostics/logs |
-t |
Allow output only to the terminal window without saving additional output files. |
python3 diagnostics.py -t |
-u |
Download new databases if they are available. |
python3 diagnostics.py -u |
-p |
Add paths to environment variable DIAGUTIL_PATH to additionally load checks. |
python3 diagnostics.py -p checkers_py/base_system_checker.py |
--force |
Force the program to run on any operating system. |
python3 diagnostics.py --force |
-v |
Increase the amount of verbosity in the output. This will give more details in the output. |
python3 diagnostics.py -v |
--version |
Show program’s version. |
python3 diagnostics.py --version |
-h |
Show help message. |
python3 diagnostics.py -h |
For more information about increasing the details in the output, see Verbose Mode Options.