Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-0F6D4DD0-A884-4DF1-BCDD-9C2E8BCA4030
class IwiFilterSobelParams: public ::IwiFilterSobelParams
IW_BASE_PARAMS_CONSTRUCTORS(IwiFilterSobelParams, iwiFilterSobel_SetDefaultParams)
IwiFilterSobelParams() {}
IW_DECL_CPP(IppStatus) iwiFilterSobel(
const IwiImage &srcImage,
IwiImage &dstImage,
IwiDerivativeType opType,
IppiMaskSize kernelSize = ippMskSize3x3,
const IwiFilterSobelParams &auxParams = IwiFilterSobelParams(),
const IwiBorderType &border = ippBorderRepl,
const IwiTile &tile = IwiTile()
srcImage |
Reference to the source image. |
dstImage |
Reference to the destination image. |
opType |
Type of the Sobel operator from IwFilterSobelType. |
kernelSize |
Size of the filter kernel. Supported values: ippMskSize3x3, ippMskSize5x5 |
auxParams |
Reference to the auxiliary parameters structure. |
border |
Extrapolation algorithm for out of image pixels processing. Supported values:
tile |
Reference to the IwiTile object for tiling. By default, no tiling is used. |
This function applies a Sobel filter of the specified type and kernel size to the source image. The values of border pixels are assigned in accordance with the border and borderValue parameters. The kernel of the filter is a matrix of 3x3 or 5x5 size depending on the kernelSize value.
Return Values
ippStsNoErr |
No errors. |
Exception Values
ippStsNotSupportedModeErr |
Specified combination of parameters' values is not supported. |
ippStsMaskSizeErr |
The kernel value is illegal. |
ippStsDataTypeErr |
The dataType value is illegal. |
ippStsNumChannelsErr |
The channels value is illegal. |
ippStsNotEvenStepErr |
The srcStep and/or dstStep value is not divisible by size of elements. |
ippStsBorderErr |
The border value is illegal. |
ippStsNoMemErr |
Failed to allocate memory. |
ippStsSizeErr |
Values of the size fields are illegal. |
ippStsInplaceModeNotSupportedErr |
In-place operation is not supported: pSrc is equal to pDst. |
ippStsNullPtrErr |
At least one of the pointers (except tile) is NULL. |