Better Threaded Performance and Scalability with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier + OpenMP*

Wednesday, September 27, 2017 9 AM PDT

The terms “threading” and “scalability” are not only on the short list of coding buzzwords, they’re absolutely necessary for competitive applications and solutions—from enterprise cloud/network to HPC.

Intel® VTune™ Amplifier is a code-profiling tool with a friendly analysis interface that not only provides accurate profiling data, it helps you mine and interpret it.

Interested? Join us where we will discuss and demonstrate:

  • How solutions using OpenMP* 4.0 (which provides new capabilities to achieve explicit SIMD vectorization and threading) can dramatically improve performance on modern processors
  • How Intel VTune Amplifier can help you uncover common performance and scalability issues, and identify whether problems are due to imbalance, lock contention, creation overhead, or scheduling overhead
  • How to use both to optimize performance on the newest Intel® hardware

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