Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA – Single-Port Triple Speed Ethernet and Onboard PHY Chip Design Example

Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA – Single-Port Triple Speed Ethernet and Onboard PHY Chip Design Example



This design example demonstrates the Triple Speed Ethernet IP solution for the Intel® MAX® 10 device family using the Triple Speed Ethernet Intel FPGA IP and Marvell 88E1111 PHY chip on the Intel MAX 10 FPGA Development Kit. It provides flexible test and demonstration platforms on which you can control, test, and monitor the Ethernet operations using system loopbacks. In this design, the Single-Port Triple-Speed Ethernet MAC connects to the onboard PHY chip through the Reduce Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII).

Design Details

Device Family

Intel® MAX® 10 FPGAs

Quartus Edition

Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition

Quartus Version


IP Cores (24)
IP Core IP Core Category
Altera GPIO Lite Other
Avalon ALTPLL ClocksPLLsResets
Avalon-ST Adapter QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST Timing Adapter QsysInterconnect
altera_jtag_avalon_master QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST Bytes to Packets Converter QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST Channel Adapter QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST JTAG Interface QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST Packets to Bytes Converter QsysInterconnect
Reset Controller QsysInterconnect
Avalon Packets to Transaction Converter QsysInterconnect
MM Interconnect QsysInterconnect
Avalon-ST Error Adapter QsysInterconnect
Memory-Mapped Demultiplexer QsysInterconnect
Memory-Mapped Multiplexer QsysInterconnect
Avalon-MM Slave Agent QsysInterconnect
Avalon-MM Slave Translator QsysInterconnect
Avalon-MM Master Agent QsysInterconnect
Memory-Mapped Traffic Limiter QsysInterconnect
Avalon-MM Master Translator QsysInterconnect
Memory-Mapped Router QsysInterconnect
Triple-Speed Ethernet Ethernet

Detailed Description

Prepare the design template in the Quartus Prime software GUI (version 14.1 and later)

Note: After downloading the design example, you must prepare the design template. The file you downloaded is of the form of a <project>.par file which contains a compressed version of your design files (similar to a .qar file) and metadata describing the project. The combination of this information is what constitutes a <project>.par file. In releases 16.0 or newer, you can simply double click on the <project>.par file and Quartus will launch that project.

The second means to bring up the project template is through the New Project Wizard (File -> New Project Wizard). After entering the project name and folder on the first panel, the second panel will ask you to specify an empty project or project template. Select project template. You will see a list of Design Templates projects that you have loaded prior as well as various "Baseline Pinout Designs" that contain the pinout and settings for a variety of development kits. If you don't see your design template in the list, click on the link that states install the Design Templates circled below:

Browse to the <project>.par file you downloaded, click next, followed by Finish, and your design template will be installed and displayed in the Project Navigator pane in Quartus.

Note: When a design is stored in the Design Store as a design template, it has been previously regression tested against the stated version of Quartus software. The regression ensures the design template passes analysis/synthesis/fitting/assembly steps in the Quartus design flow.

Prepare the design template in the Quartus Prime software command-line

At the command-line, type the following command:

quartus_sh --platform_install -package <project directory>/<project>.par

Once the process completes, then type:

quartus_sh --platform -name <project>


* ACDS Version: 16.0.0 Standard

Design Details

Device Family

Intel® MAX® 10 FPGAs

Quartus Edition

Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition

Quartus Version
