Work Zone Analytics Reference Implementation

ID 标签 726896
已更新 12/13/2022
版本 2022.3




Based on Intel® Edge Insights for Fleet (EIF) framework, the Work Zone Analytics Reference Implementation delivers DL models, computer vision algorithms, OpenVINO™ toolkit, Edge2Cloud connectivity, and other software dependencies. The Work Zone Analytics Reference Implementation uses an IP camera which is mounted at the back of construction machinery. The camera is placed at road work zone and is connected to a Power over Ethernet (PoE) port of an in-vehicle Edge PC based on the Intel® Core™ processor or Intel Atom® processor. The models will detect people standing or walking behind the vehicle, and if an individual person is wearing required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which is a hard hat and a lighted vest.

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and the software listed below.

Configure & Download

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Recipient is solely responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and safety, privacy, and security related requirements concerning Recipient's use of the Intel hardware and software.
Recipient is solely responsible for any and all integration tasks, functions, and performance in connection with use of the Intel hardware or software as part of a larger system. Intel does not have sufficient knowledge of any adjoining, connecting, or component parts used with or possibly impacted by the Intel hardware or software or information about operating conditions or operating environments in which the Intel hardware or software may be used by Recipient. Intel bears no responsibility, liability, or fault for any integration issues associated with the inclusion of the Intel hardware or software into a system. It is Recipient’s responsibility to design, manage, and assure safeguards to anticipate, monitor, and control component, system, quality, and or safety failures.

  • Time to Complete: Approximately 60 minutes
  • Programming Language: Python*
  • Available Software: Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit 2021.4.2 Release

Recommended Hardware

The below hardware is recommended for use with this reference implementation. For other suggestions, see Recommended Hardware.

Target System Requirements

  • Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS

  • 6th to 10th Generation Intel® Core™ processors with Intel® Iris® Plus graphics or Intel® HD Graphics

How It Works

The reference implementation contains a full pipeline of analytics on video streams from a camera which is mounted at the back of construction machinery and is connected with an Intel® Core™ or Intel Atom® processor-based computer. Pretrained models are used to detect people standing or walking behind the vehicle, and if an individual person is wearing required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which is a hard hat and a lighted vest.

This reference implementation contains a notification subsystem which includes a cloud dashboard, and a cloud storage.

The architecture is represented by a complex block diagram.

Figure 1: Architecture Diagram

Get Started

Step 1: Install the Reference Implementation

Select Configure & Download to download the reference implementation and then follow the steps below to install it.

NOTE: The images provided in the reference implementation are ONLY to be used for validating the accuracy of detection events.

Configure & Download

NOTE: If the host system already has Docker* images and containers, you might encounter errors while building the reference implementation packages. If you do encounter errors, refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this document before starting the reference implementation installation.

  1. Open a new terminal, go to the downloaded folder and unzip the downloaded RI package.

  2. Go to the work_zone_analytics/ directory.

    cd work_zone_analytics/
  3. Change permission of the executable edgesoftware file.

    chmod 755 edgesoftware
  4. Run the command below to install the Reference Implementation.

    ./edgesoftware install
  5. During the installation, you will be prompted for the Product Key. The Product Key is contained in the email you received from Intel confirming your download.

    A console window showing a system prompt to enter the product key.

    Figure 2: Product Key

  6. When the installation is complete, you see the message "Installation of package complete" and the installation status for each module.

    A console window showing system output during the install process. At the end of the process, the system displays the message “Installation of package complete” and the installation status for each module.

    Figure 3: Installation Success

    NOTE: If you encounter any issues, refer to the Troubleshooting section at the end of this document. Installation failure logs will be available at the path: /var/log/esb-cli/Work_Zone_Analytics_<version>/output.log

  7. To start the application, change the directory using the cd command printed at the end of the installation process:

    cd /opt/intel/eif/EII-UseCaseManager

Step 2: Run the Application


  1. Run the application:

    Copy and run the make webui command from the end of the installation log:

    make webui
  2. Open the Web UI: Go to on your web browser.

    A browser window showing the reference implementation dashboard.

    Figure 4: Reference Implementation Dashboard

  3. If you installed your ThingsBoard Cloud Server and you have enabled S3 Bucket Server on your AWS account, you can provide your configured AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Thingsboard IP, Thingsboard Port and Thingsboard Device token on the Cloud Data Configuration tab. After you complete the Cloud configuration, make sure you click on the Save Credentials and Save Token buttons. Now you can import the ThingsBoard dashboard as described at the end of the Set Up ThingsBoard* Cloud Data to enable all dashboard features, including the cloud storage.

    A web app dashboard showing the Configuration tab. Certain fields are
covered with a blue bar for security

    Figure 5: Configuration Tab Contents

    NOTE: If you don't have an AWS account, you will not be able to access Storage Cloud. You can still enable the Thingsboard Cloud Data if you configured it locally or on another machine.

  4. Access the Work Zone Analytics Dashboard with the following steps.

    • Go to sidebar and select the Run Application menu option.

      A web app dashboard showing the Run Application menu option.

      Figure 6: Select Run Application Menu Option

    • Configure the use case by selecting the video sample and the device for all UDF models.

      NOTE: These images are ONLY to be used for validating the accuracy of detection events.

    • Optionally, you can also set the simulation data that you want to use. You can choose between using the KnowGo Simulator or simply use the CSV pre-recorded simulation data.

      Model Description

      • Person Detection: Detects all the persons in the video frame.

      • Safety Classifier: Detects the safety gear [hard hat(s), safety vest(s)] for every person detected.

        A web app dashboard showing the Dashboard.

        Figure 7: Configure Use Case

    • Click on the Browse button and search for video on the following path: /opt/intel/eif/EII-UseCaseManager/modules/EII-WorkZoneDetection-UseCase/config/VideoIngestion/test_videos

    • After selecting the video sample, select the device for all UDF models. Options include CPU or GPU. Click on Run Application.

    • The application will start the Visualizer App that will detect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which is a hard hat and a lighted vest as shown in the following image:

      NOTE: These images are ONLY to be used for validating the accuracy of detection events.

      A web app dashboard showing output from the visualizer.

      Figure 8: Visualizer Output

    • Focal Length is a configurable parameter that is used to estimate the distance between the camera and the detected object. Lower Focal Length value results in a closer distance to the camera, and a higher Focal Length will result in a higher distance from the camera. The default setting is 600.

      To tune this parameter for the correct distance estimation in the application, you must measure the following:

      • real distance from camera to object, in meters
      • width of object, in meters
      • width of the object in the image, in pixels

      Apply the formula on the measurements: focal_length = (width_pixels * distance)/width_meters and add the result in the Focal Length dialog.

  5. After the visualizer starts, you can go to the ThingsBoard link and check the alerts sent by the reference implementation. If you configured the AWS credentials, you will also have access to video snapshots taken by the application on the video stream.

    A browser window showing the ThingsBoard link with the Intel Fleet Manager dashboard in the main view. Several components are displayed, including Alerts, Temperature, and a map showing the vehicle location.

    Figure 9: Intel Fleet Manager Dashboard shown in ThingsBoard

  6. You can also check the cloud storage from the Reference Implementation Storage menu option.

    NOTE: These images are ONLY to be used for validating the accuracy of detection events.

    A web app dashboard showing the Storage menu option.

    Figure 10: Reference Implementation Storage Menu Option

Run in Parallel with Address Recognition and Analytics Reference Implementation

To run this task you will need to download and install Address Recognition and Analytics Reference Implementation.

For more details about parallel execution, see the Edge Insights for Fleet Use Case Manager documentation.


  • Follow the steps to install Address Recognition and Analytics after installing Work Zone Analytics

Steps to Run the Application

  1. Change directory to EII-UseCaseManager path on your terminal:

    cd /opt/intel/eif/EII-UseCaseManager
  2. Run the following command on your terminal to start the web server application.

    make webui
  3. Open your browser and go to

  4. Configure both installed reference implementations by setting the video source and the target. Click on Run Application.

    NOTE: Configure each reference implementation by selecting the desired tab. For example, click the Run Application menu option, then click on WZA to configure the Work Zone Analytics RI. Next, click on ARA to configure the Address Recognition and Analytics RI.

    A browser window showing application with ARA and WZA tabs - WZA selected.

    Figure 12: Configure Work Zone Analytics Reference Implementation

    A browser window showing application with ARA and WZA tabs - ARA selected.

    Figure 11: Configure Address Recognition and Analytics Reference Implementation

  5. Wait for both Visualizers to get up and running.

    NOTE: These images are ONLY to be used for validating the accuracy of detection events.

    A browser window showing output of 2 visualizers in a side-by-side view.

    Figure 13: Visualizer Output for 2 Reference Implementations

Summary and Next Steps

This application successfully implements Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit plugins to detect if an individual person is wearing required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which is a hard hat and a lighted vest.

Extend the reference implementation to:

  • Detect other types of PPE, such as boots, with other DL models.
  • Add distance detection by adding calibration parameters and logic.
  • Support work zone manager alerts and notifications by extending the reference Cloud Dashboard.

Learn More

To continue your learning, see the following guides and software resources:

Known Issues

Uninstall Reference Implementation

If you uninstall one of the reference implementations, you need to reinstall the other reference implementation because the Docker images will be cleared.


Installation Failure

If the host system already has Docker images and its containers running, you will have issues during the RI installation. You must stop/force stop existing containers and images.

  • To remove all stopped containers, dangling images, and unused networks:

    sudo docker system prune --volumes
  • To stop Docker containers:

    sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aq)
  • To remove Docker containers:

    sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)
  • To remove all Docker images:

    sudo docker rmi -f $(sudo docker images -aq)

Docker Image Build Failure

If Docker image build on corporate network fails, follow the steps below.

  1. Get DNS server using the command:

    nmcli dev show | grep 'IP4.DNS'
  2. Configure Docker to use the server. Paste the line below in the /etc/docker/daemon.json file:

    { "dns": ["<dns-server-from-above-command>"]}
  3. Restart Docker:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart docker

Installation Failure Due to Ubuntu Timezone Setting

While building the reference implementation, if you see /etc/timezone && apt-get install -y tzdata && ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${HOST_TIME_ZONE} /etc/localtime && dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata' returned a non-zero code: 1 make: *** [config] Error 1

Run the following command in your terminal:

sudo timedatectl set-local-rtc 0

Installation Encoding Issue

While building the reference implementation, if you see ERROR: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\\u2615' in position 3: ordinal not in range(256)

Run the following command in your terminal:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Can't Connect to Docker Daemon

If you can't connect to docker daemon at http+docker://localhost, run the following command in your terminal:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and log back in to Ubuntu.

Check before retrying to install if group Docker is available for you by running the following command in a terminal:


The output should contain "docker".

Installation Timeout When Using pip or apt Commands

You may experience a timeout issue when using the People's Republic of China (PRC) internet network.

Make sure that you have a stable internet connection while installing the packages. If you experience timeouts due to Linux* apt or Python* pip installation, try to reinstall the package.

Support Forum

If you're unable to resolve your issues, contact the Support Forum.