Call for Chapters related to programming in SYCL

ID 标签 709777
已更新 2/28/2022
版本 Latest



We are looking for experts interested in contributing a chapter to a contribution-based book that will focus on practical techniques for using SYCL for heterogeneous programming.

Please submit an idea - and work with us on schedule as part of the process.  If you have an idea that could be a chapter within the next 18 months - please submit your thoughts!

A chapter in a book offers a much different opportunity to teach than a conference or journal submission - because it can be longer, include much more code listings and discussion, write in an approachable style, and discuss actual source code.

I am an experienced author and editor with whom you'll enjoy working. I will work tirelessly with you, to help bring your chapter to its full potential.  I enjoy working with authors to help create wonderful chapters. You will NOT be alone!  Let's have fun together!

Broadly speaking – chapters must address one or both of these concepts:

  1. SYCL Programming 
    learn through examples, with explanations of use of SYCL,
    these examples should show results with SYCL used on multiple devices.
  2. SYCL for CUDA programmers 
    learn through examples, with explanations of CUDA vs. SYCL,
    these chapters would always show NVIDIA-CUDA vs. NVIDIA-SYCL comparisons,
    and should also show results from other vendors as well.

Abstracts should be 300-600 words long. Please explain what you envision for your chapter by including (1) who will contribute, (2) a summary of what you will show/teach, (3) explain the source code that will be discussed and how much will be shared (status of source code being open source for instance), and (4) any prior presentations/publications of your topic. Feel free to just point to a published paper, and explain how you plan to expand it into a teaching chapter.

Chapters should be original work and not simultaneously submitted to another book. Expanded versions of prior work are welcome (please let us know the prior publications).

Requirements. Formats, Dates for Submissions

We will use to manage all interactions starting with submissions (create an account there if you do not have one already).

Abstracts are now reviewed on a rolling basis.  Please submit - and we'll work out details together on a mutually acceptable schedule!

Visit for complete information, to contact us, and the link for submitting a proposal.

Complete details on requirements are found there.

Please submit sooner rather than later... no obligation, it just starts a conversation with us.
