Intel Press Release

$3 Million In Awards Up For Grabs As Record Number Of Teens Compete In
Intel International Science And Engineering Fair

PHOENIX, May 9, 2005 – A record number of young scientists and inventors arrive today to compete for $3 million in scholarships and awards at the 2005 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), presented by Agilent Technologies.

Representing 45 countries, regions and territories, 1,447 high school students will spend the week meeting with senior scientists, sharing ideas and presenting projects on such varied topics as alternative fuels, water quality and organic compounds to fight infection and disease. Students range in age from 13 to 20; the split between females and males is almost even. Nearly one-third of the projects are entered in the engineering or environmental sciences categories, and 19 percent of the students have obtained or are in the process of obtaining patents on their projects.

This year also saw a record number of 550 affiliated regional science fairs participating in the process to select those who would move on to the final event in Phoenix.

“The students here represent a cross-section of scientific endeavors from around the world,” said Brenda Musilli, Intel Corporation director of education. “They have embarked on a great scientific adventure that, when properly nurtured, can lead to life-changing discoveries.”

Intel ISEF Awards
The finalists will compete for a wide range of awards, including:

  • Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award: The top three finalists each receive $50,000 college scholarships.
  • Seaborg Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS) Award: Three individual Best of Category winners will be selected to attend the SIYSS program and the Nobel Prize Ceremonies in December.
  • Grand Awards: Grand Awards are presented in 15 categories, including the team category. The awards presented include: $3,000 for first place, $1,500 for second, $1,000 for third and $500 for fourth. In addition, a “Best of Category” award of $5,000 and an Intel® Centrino™ mobile technology-based notebook computer are presented to the top-scoring student in each category.
  • Intel Foundation Achievement Awards: Selected by a panel of Intel judges, up to 15 $5,000 Achievement Awards are given for outstanding work in any field.

Intel ISEF Background
The International Science and Engineering Fair, sponsored by Intel since 1997, is the world’s largest multi-country celebration of science showcasing the world’s most promising young scientists and inventors in grades 9 through 12. The finalists who will compete in Phoenix began as part of a worldwide field of several million science fair participants during the past academic year. These finalists went on to compete among 65,000 students at more than 500 regional Intel ISEF-affiliated science fairs around the world to win the right to participate at the Intel ISEF.

Judging is conducted by more than 1,000 experts who volunteer their time to judge projects. All Intel ISEF judges have Ph.D.s or equivalent in one of the 14 scientific disciplines or at least six years of related professional experience.

The fair has been administered for the past 56 years by Science Service, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the understanding and appreciation of science around the globe through publications and educational programs. For more information about Science Service and the Intel ISEF, visit

Intel’s sponsorship of the Intel ISEF is part of the Intel® Innovation in Education initiative, a sustained commitment – in collaboration with educators and government leaders worldwide – to help today’s students develop the higher-level thinking skills they need to participate and succeed in a knowledge-based economy. For more information, visit

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