Intel Press Release

Intel Celebrates Learning, Discovery And Innovation In San Jose During The Month Of August

SAN JOSE, Calif., July 24, 1997 – Intel Corporation, a Corporate Partner in the Smithsonian Institution's 150th anniversary celebration, is inviting Bay Area residents and visitors to celebrate technology and innovation in San Jose during the month of August. In addition to ensuring that the "America's Smithsonian" traveling exhibition tour would include a stop in the Bay Area, Intel is sponsoring a number of educational programs for the community, including: a unique interactive exhibit of technology artifacts at "America's Smithsonian," a free day at The Tech Museum of Innovation featuring the PC DadsSM program and the "PC Frontier" show, an "Invention of the Future" contest for middle school students, a school supply donation for Santa Clara County teachers and a "Field Trip of Dreams" for community youth.

"Intel and the Smithsonian have a common commitment to education," said Gordon Moore, Intel's chairman emeritus. "We were very eager to have the ‘America's Smithsonian' exhibition come to San Jose. Many people who might not otherwise have a chance to see the treasures of the Smithsonian can now do so – and we also offer a variety of education-related programs to our neighbors here in the Silicon Valley."

Intel at "America's Smithsonian"
At the "America's Smithsonian" exhibit, Intel is spotlighting the wonders of the Technology Age with two unique exhibits. The first is a 3,000-square-foot exhibit featuring a giant personal computer (PC), complete with a 14-foot monitor and computer tower through which visitors can literally walk through the inside of a PC. Once inside, Chip the talking microprocessor leads visitors on a thrilling multimedia journey that chronicles the ways PCs have changed the world and offers a glimpse of what our future may look like as this dynamic technology continues to evolve. At Intel's exhibit, visitors will also find 12 high-speed Pentium® II processor-based systems with MMX™ technology on which they can experiment with new software applications, explore the Internet and experience the Intel Video Phone with ProShare® technology.

As a special treat for the Silicon Valley community, Intel has also arranged for a mini-exhibit of technology artifacts chosen by Smithsonian curators from the Information Age exhibit at the National Museum of American History. On display at the "America's Smithsonian" will be an Altair computer (the first PC, circa 1974), an 8008 microprocessor board, a Texas Instruments Speak and Spell* and a six-inch Intel486™ microprocessor silicon wafer.

Intel Month and the PC Dads at The Tech
August is Intel Month at The Tech Museum of Innovation in downtown San Jose, and Intel is sponsoring a free day and extended hours of operation on Wednesday, Aug. 6. On this day, The Tech will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Intel's PC Dads will present the "PC Frontier," featuring hands-on personal computing demonstrations and information on the latest educational and gaming software applications for both young and old. There will be opportunities for visitors to win prizes, such as VIP tickets to the "America's Smithsonian" exhibit and the special CD-ROM commemorating the Smithsonian's traveling exhibition.

Back-to-School Donations
As a Corporate Partner with the Smithsonian, Intel is able to provide its employees with special VIP tickets to the exhibition. In return, the company is encouraging the employees who attend the exhibition to donate new school supplies to the Resource Area for Teachers (RAFT), a Sunnyvale, Calif., based organization which provides Santa Clara County teachers with essential classroom materials. In addition, Intel will place bins at The Tech on Aug. 6 to encourage visitors to make these needed donations to local teachers through RAFT. All those who donate will receive gift 150th anniversary mementos (such as T-shirts or key chains) from Intel.

"Field Trip of Dreams"
The "America's Smithsonian" traveling exhibition will be the only opportunity that many young Americans ever have to view some of our nation's treasures. Because of this, Intel is working with several nonprofit organizations in the Bay Area and in the community near its Folsom, Calif., site to bring their young members to the exhibition for a day. Each "Field Trip of Dreams" will include bus transportation, a tour through the "America's Smithsonian" exhibit, a box lunch, tickets to The Tech and a T-shirt to commemorate the day. For example, on Aug. 6, nearly 80 children from the Ray Robinson Oak Park Community Center in Sacramento will be embarking on their "Field Trip of Dreams," which will include an afternoon at the PC Dads' show at The Tech.

"Invention of the Future" Awards
Gordon Moore will celebrate innovation and invention with local middle school students at "Intel Night at America's Smithsonian" on Aug. 13. In the Bay Area, as in past 150th anniversary tour site communities, Intel has sponsored an "Invention of the Future" contest, inviting middle school students to use their imaginations to create an invention that will improve their lives and help society move forward. The students' "patent" applications, which consisted of an original drawing and 300-word explanation of the invention, were judged based on innovativeness, creativity, originality of concept and presentation. Ten inventions were chosen from the pool of Bay Area entries by judges from Intel and the Sunnyvale Center for Innovation, Invention and Ideas (SC[I3]). These 10 finalists and their families will be Intel's special guests at the Aug. 13 festivities where the grand prize winner will be announced. First prize is two high-performance Pentium II processor-based systems equipped with MMX technology -- one for the winning student and one for his/her school or classroom.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.